
  1. Oh yeah thanks. Is this something about Ireland, or is Homerule a thing out of Ireland

  2. How does China collapse? Is there any way to collapse it from outside?

  3. You can win opium wars and meddle in their politics to make them have revolutions

  4. Petite précision : .gd est le code du pays "la Grenade", pas la ville espagnole

  5. À ne pas confondre avec le fruit !

  6. Disagreeing with "protect trans lives" ? It isn't a controversial subject like HRT for kids or trans people in sports. It's literally letting people live. How can you disagree with that?

  7. Well you shouldn't have been replying to this post then. You clearly said meant you disagreed with the post. If you don't, that is good, but then your comment has no place here

  8. No. You're too close the mighty Montenegro. Make your prayers

  9. And bonus point of it has interchangable contexts, such as a dark humor you can alter it to fit your country's current morbid concern.

  10. I'm not sure if being adaptative is a bonus point. Humour is not meant to be universal but to show appartenance to an ingroup

  11. Well, I speak from a view of someone who seen adaptation of English dark humor that tweak in a way that it fit more in Thai contexts.

  12. Sometimes it's good. But often, very good jokes cannot be translated well into another perspective

  13. Car tu supportes la libération du corps des femmes, hein ?

  14. Sans dire qu'Israël n'est pas attaquant (ou en situation d' illégitime défense), le raisonnement du mème est Fallacieux.

  15. S'il est bien question de 14 000 enfants et de 9 000 femmes, je pense qu'il n'est pas question de combattants pour le coup...

  16. De ce que j'ai lu sur wikipédia (à vérifier), c'est 3millions de civils allemands

  17. This poster is actually awesome. I really like how it is an homage to military posters and making the average person out to be someone capable of great action.

  18. And there is a train. I can understand most propaganda (I can't, just for the matter of the joke), but when there is trains, I can't

  19. Yeah but it's the only train in the country, and sometimes the children have to push the train before they are eaten by the rats.

  20. In actuality, the train suffer from power outages so they have to use diesel trains

  21. I’m not but please do the explanation anyway, I’m very curious now

  22. Those sub families you mentioned like Maltese or Gypsy, they are non relevant in the grand scheme of things. Turkey isn’t even a EU member so they are out of the question. Also pretty sure that Greeks and Albanians wouldn’t mind it, since they have a soft spot for Latin based languages/heritage due to their appreciation for the heydays of Roman Empire, to which they belonged. Similar situation for Fins/Estonians/Magyars in regards of Germanic. 

  23. With Turkic, I was also thinking of Gagauzia (well Moldova isn't in the EU yet, but it will probably will if it sorts out its problem with Transnistria

  24. Isn't the lack of border a condition to avoid war from the 1998 good Friday agreement?

  25. This is what I read in my head when I see ACAB

  26. As someone who knew anarchists communities before trans communities, it's the opposite. I read AMAB and AFAB as All Males/Females Are Bastards (Beautiful if I'm feeling nice). It's worse

  27. Sorry to be the pedant but the pigment is produced by bacteria and goes up the food chain to the brine shrimp and then the flamingos.

  28. if you’re learning french and don’t plan on writing prose or literature, DONT LEARN PASSÉ SIMPLE. DONT DO IT. IT MEANS SIMPLE PAST BUT IT IS SO WEIRD AND NO ONE USES IT IN SPOKEN LANGUAGE


  30. La Bretagne qui font les malins ya R la les bouffeurs de galette!

  31. Alors, premièrement, les Bouffeurs de Galettes sont tous dans le bassin Violet de la vilaine.

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