
  1. This is one of the main reasons I have decided not to have children (dealing with any violence against my kid). As a parent in this situation, I don’t think I could not act instinctively and violently. I don’t want to leave my child without a parent, in a broken home, with my husband and parents putting money on my books and traveling to visit me in prison because I sought vengeance on someone who hurt my child. I just don’t think I could react sanely or logically, in fact I think the aforementioned behavior is the most sane and logical reaction a parent can have if this happened to their child.

  2. She would have rode that whole route with me. Don’t have time for foolishness.

  3. That’s a dinosaur and you can’t convince me otherwise.

  4. All seem unnecessarily intricate, yet astonishing effective.

  5. What’s going on? Is it like a parent catching their kid with someone else in their room? Intimate or not that’s not just an Africa thing, my Mom would ring my neck if I had a girl in my room during my teens.

  6. I think they’re just giving the location. Not saying it pertains to African moms.

  7. I struggle with the last autumn. Hopefully I can at least get top 50 this go. Great job though!!

  8. What tips do you all have? The first two events I was able to get top 20, but I’ve been falling further behind with each event.

  9. Car in left lane is clearly passing. There’s no excuse to weave like this. Other car is a douche

  10. Or they sped up when they saw the other car was approaching?

  11. If you look, she was knocked out the moment he pushed her. So he was just throttling her limp, lifeless body smh.

  12. You make a really good point and actually made me change my entire opinion. I think it would be a good idea for corporations to actually explain the purpose behind said policies, because I think we’d all be surprised at how many people don’t know why they are enforcing something other than they were told to. Being able to give this kind of reasoning would definitely make a person (who isn’t fucking psycho like this) back down and accept the fact that you are indeed taking your anger out on the wrong person.

  13. This is quite literally, one of the only things that has ever made me almost die choking(gasping)/laughing.

  14. Could also be posted in kidsarefuckingstupid.

  15. Definitely, because all he had to do was let go lol.

  16. They’re still up there waiting for it to get to the other side.

  17. How do these videos of the attempt being successful keep getting approved to post?

  18. Sorry that I singlehandedly ruined this subreddit for you. I'll try to have a better title next time🗿

  19. Well aren’t you a little drama queen. Much obliged though.

  20. YTA: I didn’t even read the whole thing. But anyone who logically thinks sleeping in their car as opposed to apologizing to someone they’ve offended is ridiculous and an asshole.

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