
  1. 18 year old kid who works with me tried to tell me that Yoda first appeared in attack of the clones. He thinks he knows everything but is actually an idiot. We had a good laugh at his expense.

  2. Did his snap also do anything to birth rates? He’d have to snap again eventually if it didn’t

  3. That was my biggest issue with his plan. The earth had half the population it does now in the 70s. Within 50 years it would all have been for nothing.

  4. Leftie electrician here. How do I get this degree in vegan Marxism?

  5. Yeah... at least for the 2nd part. I've struggled with gender dysphoria for years without even knowing what it was. Although it isn't as bad as some people's more just like I wish I was born different. I don't think I'd ever transition though, the world is too dangerous and hateful.

  6. Life has been pretty good lately but I'm still struggling, I still hate myself, and I think about suicide all the time. The other day I was pretty happy heading home from work then just thought "is this really as good as it gets?" Instantly went from happy back to normal. I've tried pretty much every anti depressant under the sun and they've all made things significantly worse so I'm not subjecting myself to that again. I've been looking into ketamine therapy as it can help with treatment resistant depression but it gives me anxiety thinking about injecting ketamine even if it's in small doses in a controlled environment. Oh well, gotta keep going. I'm too much of a coward to kill myself anyway.

  7. I had my oblivion disc in my Xbox 360 when my little brother knocked the xbox over and the disc scratched deeply all the way around it. I ended up using car polish on it and it worked perfectly afterwards.

  8. A merged GTA/RDR world for a weird ass time romp DLC with the cheesiness of Undead Nightmare…

  9. That would fucking awesome. It's too bad everyone making decisions at Rockstar is just obsessed with GTA online

  10. Was more responding to the people downvoting, not sure why they are, strong American accents can be hard to understand

  11. Pretty sure you got down voted because people thought you were saying he only listened to hard core punk 5 times before asking her that question.

  12. I remember seeing Dungeon Siege and Morrowind for the first time, side by side on the shelf and having to chose, with no information to go on other than the boxes.

  13. Both are huge games from my childhood. I often think about the dungeon siege theme song, its sooo good.

  14. Jeremy Soule is one of the most underrated (videogame) composers. He did the soundtracks for both Dungeon Siege and Morrowind btw.

  15. Wow I never knew that. No wonder they're both amazing

  16. Cause I was born to sabotage myself Well that's on me and no one else I'm a human grenade and I'm good at pulling my own pin You can blame it on my mental health Addiction stress anything else All it boils down to is I'm an asshole with a loudmouth And a system of support I don't deserve

  17. Goodbye lulu won't be seeing you again you left home on a freight train you ain't never going back

  18. Tekken back the means of production is fucking hilarious

  19. I know right, you can almost smell the sexually frustrated chud who made this crap 🤮

  20. Yeah, you can tell it's some incel loser probably thinking "if more women were trad wives and not sluts I'd have a girlfriend"

  21. Eowynn, she's a keeper... just keep her somewhere else

  22. Also great aussie bands, dune rats and violent soho

  23. Every pimi family I knew had different standards. Most were allowed star wars. My pimi family loves star wars, lord of the rings, all kinds of video games except shooters, but most things with magic were fine in my household. My parents play mmorpgs (dark age of camelot, lord of the rings online) and my mom loves death metal. And then there were kids I knew who weren't allowed to play pokemon games, and one guy I knew freaked out when I said I had fond memories of playing zelda ocarina or time with my dad, he said it was demonic lol.

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