
  1. besides yourself who is your favorite member of tribe?

  2. just make this an ad for fortnite a stormtropper swinging like spiderman

  3. most likely cause jazwares and moose toys have the liencse

  4. wow there actually so close in the story minus the demon jellyfish thing

  5. Eda as Luz is just better written character though still good just she also has a massive ego

  6. no way that ain't a hacked of course not you but the og owner

  7. Btw I did do this a year ago and found it in a box in my attic

  8. I don't remember when I got them and made it

  9. I realize that people don't understand what I am trying to do is to point the last sentence of Aunt Jen description Freddy files updated edition at least in my version sorry for the confusion

  10. Okay but like, what point are you trying to make?

  11. I ain't making a point I just pointing this text out jeez

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