
  1. I’m going to predict that the clown you’re arguing with is going to reply something to the effect of “omg this is not a movie”. Even though it doesn’t make sense

  2. I'd throw up if the Bengals passed on Fuaga, traded back for a late 3rd round pick and ended up with Tyler guyton.

  3. That recruiter is attempting to get you to not take a job at a prison over their company

  4. Yea which is why I am trying to figure out from unbiased opinions

  5. ye I get the concerns but with tee higgins requesting for a trade, picking up Brian Thomas seems like the safest move

  6. It’s really not. We have way bigger needs than a wr who can’t run a full route tree yet

  7. That’s my question though. Why didn’t those players get upset? I was pretty frustrated when the game crashed several times in the lead up to the ending, and I know I’m not the only one it happened to. You can’t really say they handled early access well when the game on release was still unfinished.

  8. Not sure what you were doing but I didn’t have any crashes in the third act. Definitely wasn’t anywhere close to “abysmal”

  9. Cincinnati needs a DT. Miami needs picks. That trade does not make any sense.

  10. Agree they wouldn’t trade. But cincy needs an OT desperately as well. They aren’t going to roll into the season assuming Trent brown will be healthy all year

  11. John Wick. Granted he survives some really lethal stuff but he looks like he literally got run over by a train. He's covered in injuries and looks exhausted.

  12. This is sort of the opposite of what OP is asking. Every other scene is Wick shrugging off injuries that would kill a real person

  13. That's a tv show, it is crafted to be watched like that.

  14. It's still an extremely different medium, it's not comparable my friend. And I'm not saying I agree 100% with that quote.

  15. My friend, it’s easily comparable. Book chapters have cliffhangers as well it’s ok my friend

  16. Or given that the plot of a commercial airliner used as an attack weapon against a building was already used in

  17. With a slight difference in that the pilot was the one who crashed, compared to actual hijackers

  18. Bibi only wants to escalate because he knows it'll keep him in office. If Iran retaliates, which they've said they will, Israel is going to escalate even further.

  19. Not at the important part, the battle of Moscow was during a period where the only thing America did was send money while Britain was sending over planes, tanks and everything else

  20. Did you read the comment thread from 93 days ago? We were discussing the build up after 1941, the vast majority of which was American lend lease.

  21. Had Moscow fallen, then everything sent after would've had to have been sent orders of magnitude more

  22. Not really. As the rest of the war showed us, Russia could trade cities for time. Placing outsized inportance on a location is wildly old school thinking.

  23. Ok so there isn’t actual information about them being used tonight

  24. It’s common sense, “reliable news” isn’t going to give you the exact model of airplane used

  25. If you think anyone will trust Trump on national security, you're highly mistaken. Even with all of Biden's flaws, he's still 1000 times better than Trump. Trump is known for throwing allies under the bus. He already threw NATO and the Kurds under the bus. I have no doubt he could throw Israel, Taiwan and other allies under the bus too if Putin requests it. Trump cannot be trusted on ANYTHING. Your little hints are not going to change anyone's mind. Biden may not be perfect and he sometimes makes mistakes, but Trump is malicious, evil, a criminal and a traitor.

  26. Don’t forget throwing the afghans under the bus by making a “peace” deal with the Taliban that released 5,000 fighters/commanders and sidelined the government

  27. This is such an interesting scenario for the Bengals. On one hand Mims is my dream realistic pick for us. So trading down and still getting him would be awesome.

  28. I just don’t see any chance they pass on Bowers. Listening to the insiders it sounds like we would sprint to the podium for him.

  29. FDIC at the last audit had only 9 cents on the dollar to cover a massive Bail In by the banks. That day is coming. You guys need to read up on the Bail In laws passed that allows banks to treat every cash deposit as a bank asset. Lots of people are going to lose their asses and be homeless once the big banks do this. It's coming

  30. He was criticizing about how the movies are not as good as the book because they get shortened because they cannot fit all that in two hours. And my response is I’m pretty sure that happens to a lot of movies based on books, and it still works out.

  31. Which “working out” is sort of a nonsensical reply when they are simply stating that a two hour movie doesn’t contain as much technical information as a book

  32. What are you talking about? All I’m saying is that it seems pretty judgmental.

  33. I really think that in 2016 Hillary lost more than trump won. Between just ignoring most of the Midwest and a total lack of personal charisma, she just totally blew it. Tbh, she probably wouldn't have even made it out of the primary if the party hadn't put its whole damn hand on the scale to keep Bernie from beating her. She's just really bad at campaigning.

  34. It’s amazing to me that people still peddle this bullshit about a rigged primary, Clinton crushed Bernie, Donna Brazille telling Clinton there would be a question about water in FLINT MICHIGAN didn’t change that

  35. People like you are why Trump won in 2016, keep up the good work

  36. So one thing to note about Oline is it isn't just about grabbing the best places and putting them together. It can take some time to build cinergy and team work with an offensive line. Eventually it would come but it might not be over night.

  37. BYU sports radio guys said this was his dream job and he’s been saying that since he started coaching. I hope you guys win a natty

  38. I'm not sure why you think I'm having difficulty. Do you think the French won?

  39. Reading your post, it’s clear you’re having difficulty. Literally all your points were accomplished. The French simply were outflanked after the maginot line accomplished its purpose because they foolishly believed the Ardennes region couldn’t support mass tank movement

  40. Anyone else think this attack was to test the Israel missile defense system? They might not have landed many but this gives Iran and others a ton of data to see where the weak points are and how they can penetrate it should tensions escalate further.

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