
  1. “The World Spins” will always be one of those beautiful, but heartbreaking songs thanks to this episode. The part that always gets me is when the waiter says, “I’m so sorry.” 💔

  2. I think a lot of us did when we first saw that scene. We (and Ben) barely had half a second to connect the dots before Ripper got to work. Such a great scene.

  3. Are there any stores/vaults where someone can purchase/assimilate items from this game/dream?

  4. But… you threw a KNIFE at my HEAD…

  5. I’d say it’s definitely worth the price, whether you buy it digitally or on Blu-Ray. If you’re going to buy it on iTunes, though, I’d recommend keeping an eye on the complete series set, because it does periodically go on sale. That said, I’d happily pay full price for it on any format and not regret it one bit. (Source: Because I have. Twice.)

  6. All my Shepards end up falling for Kaidan in the end. But my favorite scene is in ME3 between male Shepard and Kaidan, when they finally have that conversation where they admit their feelings for each other. Definitely got a little misty-eyed the first time I saw it.

  7. Danny and Sandy just can’t help me when I need a C-O-O-L… R-I-D-E-R…

  8. Oh, you mean like an orgasm friend?

  9. Alan Wake 2 has an incredible story, but it’s relatively linear-ish compared to RPGs like Baldur’s Gate 3. There isn’t really a lot of gay content in it, but there is at least one LGBT character who is part of the main story. It’s not really laid on thick, but I like that it’s treated as just part this character’s personal life, but nothing anyone else feels the need to make a huge deal about.

  10. Yeah, I’m going to play of them. After all the suggestions I’ll do BG3 first then Alan Wake. Is it truly survival horror? Also, I love gay content that’s just matter of fact and not a big deal.

  11. It does veer more into “survival horror” Alan Wake and Control, which were more “eerie thriller” games that kinda had a PG-13 vibe. Alan Wake 2 has a darker, bloodier tone compared to the other two, getting more into R-rated territory at times, although still not as bloody and gory as other proper survival horror games. You have elements like scarce ammo, jump scares, disturbing crime scenes, and bloody kills that may not have been as prevalent in the first Alan Wake, but overall, it’s on the tame side. Compared to Alan Wake, yes, it is more survival horror. Compared to games like Dead Space or Resident Evil, it’s not as intense.


  13. There was also that time when SMG returned to her old stomping grounds on All My Children talking about vampires.(Like “Normal Again” but sudsier!)

  14. I’ll show you the Heeeeeerald of Daaarkneeeeeeeess!

  15. Great opening credits. Slick scythe kill shot. Tense car chase through the woods. Jamie’s face turning from relief to terror when the blaring car horn stops. And last, but not least… Cookie Woman!

  16. “‘I’ll send you a copy.’ BAM! Bitch went down!”

  17. We are pleased/unsurprised to learn of this coincidental/intentional landmark.

  18. I remember not being at all prepared for this opening the first time I saw it. The Collector attack was so quick and vicious. There was a side shot of the Normandy where a portion of it looked like it was literally attempting to limp away to safety, and it really messed with my head. Like, how are they going to get out of this one? Saving Joker at the last second just as the ship explodes, only to watch Shepard’s air run out and float away motionless as the piano notes hit. The upbeat, optimistic intro from ME1 felt so far away as this one essentially said, “Yeah, buckle up because we’re not fucking around with this one.” Even now, it still hits hard. Still one of the best openings to a game, though.

  19. "Unfinished Business", that one on the boxe ring.

  20. I always watch the extended version of that episode, and I love it. The standard version just doesn’t hold up as well to me.

  21. Extended version you say? I assume that's on the BluRay? Never seen it!

  22. Yes! I bought the series digitally after getting the Blu-Ray set years ago, but “Unfinished Business” is one of a handful of episodes with unaired, extended versions where I dig up the discs to watch the extended version. It’s almost a half hour longer than the broadcast version and fleshes things out a bit more. Some scenes are new, and others are extended to let them breathe and have a better impact on the story. (Personally, I always wanted more “pre-occupation New Caprica” scenes, so I liked seeing them here.)

  23. “And… and… it’s always… darkest… before…”

  24. That gaggle of human flotsam doesn’t even belong on the sea.

  25. I was in college at the time, and somehow was able to snag a sneak preview pass to see it a week early. At the time, my car was out of commission, so I had to ask my friends with functioning cars if they would go with me but also give me a ride there and back. (No Uber then, and if you called a taxi, it might pick you up twenty minutes or twenty hours after you called for one.) The one friend who was available was a guy who hated scary movies but wanted to hang out regardless, so we went. I reassured him that I’d read this was horror with some comedy and satire, so it shouldn’t be too big a deal.

  26. Eternal Darkness was a Lovecraftianesqe horror survival game with an absolute opressive atmosphere and a very creepy sanity system which no game had ever done at the time.

  27. I still love that game so much. The sanity meter, the spell crafting system, and the story taking place across years and years… I really wish this one could be remade or remastered.

  28. The image reminds me of Sinistar. Definitely made my heart race

  29. OMG that effing game traumatized me in my younger days. Hearing that thing say, “BEWARE, I LIVE” always filled me with dread. Still does, tbh

  30. Wait, I haven't played the Mass Effect franchise but you "need" to play from 1 to unlock

  31. You don’t have to play through ME1 or ME2 to play ME3. The games are designed as a trilogy, though, with the final save file from ME1 used to import decisions and events from ME1 to influence the story of ME2, and again at the end of ME2 to influence the story of ME3. When ME1 first came out, this character was only a romance option for female player characters. However, in ME3, they expanded things to where both male and female player characters could pursue a romance with this character, regardless of what happened in ME1 and ME2 or whether they were even played.

  32. I also enjoyed Andrew’s line to Angel: Andrew: “Check the viewscreen, Uhura. I got twelve Slayers behind me, and not one of them has ever dated you.”

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