
  1. Maybe I’m remembering wrong but I thought Hag lost her humanity, not just her sanity before the entity took her.

  2. Wherever you guys move in LA I would recommend making the drive to Tokyo Central on Artesia in Gardena when you want to go shopping for Japanese groceries.

  3. In N Out raised their prices between 5 and 25 cents in response to the wage increases.

  4. Spaghetti code...explain it to me in detail. Cause I'm assuming that's just something you whiners say but don't have any real knowledge about.

  5. I disagree with the take on spaghetti code here. Peanits did a great job explaining how ridiculous this can get.

  6. I think the problem was that cost was 50% more than the estimate and the reasoning was silly (it being a “large safe” despite being very small. The safe was small enough that they quickly used a crowbar, so the markup from the original price felt ridiculous

  7. oh i was assuming that when victor downs a survivor he stays on them to prevent survivors from healing the downed survivor

  8. And gave said co worker your personal phone number? And said co worker feels comfortable enough to shit talk your bf in text to YOU.

  9. Does he though? Because he said "your boyfriend doesn't deserve you," not "your ex-boyfriend didn't deserve you."

  10. Can't believe there are still dumbasses justifying this old ass mf lol.

  11. Okay so I'm pro gun and support this judges decision. But the 2nd amendment does say "the right of 'The People' to keep and bear arms"

  12. You’re right in the sense of people as a source of power for the government. I should have mentioned the different uses of “the people” in the constitution instead of just using modern terminology. I’ll edit my comment.

  13. I don’t think it’s real. Why would someone go to such insane lengths and “demand a paternity test” when they could just silently order one themselves and find out the answer before burning all your bridges?

  14. He’s not a quiet person. He doesn’t like to calmly talk things out. He likes to pick fights and argue about problems.

  15. I maybe wrong but didn't hag make a deal with the entity to get revenge and that's why she looks like that

  16. No, she was told using the magic for selfish reasons would have severely negative consequences. This was one of them.

  17. I'm speaking literally about the reasoning of Madison. It's not like it's scripture. You can go and read their thoughts on it.

  18. You've got a failure of your logic there in step 2.

  19. Lmao they look like what right-wingers imagine in their mind as "woke warriors" trying to upend the status quo.

  20. No, but I’ve never seen a 12 year old girl die in childbirth either.

  21. They’re saying another option that doesn’t require killing the fetus. Hence them being pro choice.

  22. It's not. Many 16 year olds need some world experience and need to learn basic job skills. Some would say that the education a 16 year old gets from it. Also, if the wage is too high then why hire the 16 year old at all? And soon it's harder to gain employment on the bottom rung of the ladder when you have virtually no marketable skills.

  23. Zero need to be close to the 'center of DTLA' unless you work there. Those are awful neighborhoods to consider moving to in LA, would defeat the purpose of moving to SoCal altogether.

  24. Ok, sorry, but after covid? No one was on the road during covid, of course, traffic got worse.

  25. Wait until they find out it’s HIS son who isn’t smoking crack and banging hookers…..

  26. I know you’re just trolling but a world where people’s parents are charged for the crimes of the adult child is a stupid argument.

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