
  1. Well the post says "unseen from 2022" yet she got her giant dragon tattoo in late 2020. And seeing as how it's not visible in this clip and it very much would be, it's easily fake.

  2. She's def cheating on her bf with a bunch of black guys

  3. She's not still with that nasty tatted white dude? The one with the grills?

  4. List of Billie’s current gf/bf according to weird people like you: Steve lacy, Lulu, Odessa, Danial and Ava

  5. No have you never heard of a friend? She’s very lovey towards her friends and physical touch is how she shows affection.

  6. A guy in my grade with mild-autism who was seen as the weird kid ended up shooting himself. He was 13 years old. I didn’t know him very well but had gone to school with him since I was 6. Afterwards all the popular kids who made fun of him started acting like they were best friends and posting him and stuff.

  7. Yeah sorry I disagree with your statement. Columbine is WAY more well known than Elliot. Columbine had an impact on a global scale, not many people outside of California or the true crime community know about Elliot. The explanation you’re looking for is Columbine was the first one of the digital age. It was covered more than any previous ones which is why it’s considered the first.

  8. Obviously, there are going to be screaming and crying if 17 people are murdered in one room; 15 of them being literal six and seven-year-olds witnessing their classmates, getting brutally murdered right in front/on top of them. That doesn’t automatically apply that classroom 8 was the first place he entered when he got into the school. Logically classroom 10 is more realistic due to surviving children from the room saying that they heard gunshots in the hallway, the teacher (Victoria Soto) ushering them to go to the back of the room, and before she could lock the door, he entered and killed her and ran out of ammunition and Jesse Lewis yelled for everybody to run, and they ran. If he entered classroom 8 first, Victoria would’ve had time to lock the door and properly hid everybody but in classroom 8, Lauren Rousseau and Rachel D’Avino had enough time to properly hide all 16 children which couldn’t have been done if Lanza immediately entered that classroom.

  9. The first thing that comes to mind is that guy who jumped off a bridge into water and hit his face on a dock below. It then cuts to a video of the guy alive in the hospital with his whole face split open trying to breathe.

  10. Or that veterans Facebook live suicide with a shotgun that went around a few years ago.

  11. How did his face look like after pulling the trigger? Exactly the same like the face of that guy who jumped off a bridge you mentioned?

  12. It was like the guy who jumped off the bridge but much more loose tissue and blood. It was his whole head not just the face.

  13. Even if you think his music sucks he’s still a person who lost his life. You’re a pretty shit person buddy.

  14. Where’d you find this picture? I’ve never seen it before and I’ve done a lot of research into sandy hook

  15. Lol you're getting down voted. Don't research!

  16. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted. I just asked for where they found this picture

  17. The one reason I've seen for why he might have gone into Classroom 8 first (as opposed to simply going in order) is because it had been his first-grade classroom, so it would have been the one he was more familiar with. I've never seen why it's perceived he went in Classroom 8 first instead of Classroom 10 in terms of the evidence, other than perhaps it's based on witness statements of minors (there were surviving children in Classroom 10 - they may have told law enforcement they heard the gunshots in Classroom 8 before he entered their room. There was also one surviving child in Classroom 8).

  18. Was it ever confirmed that classroom 8 was his first grade classroom? I’ve never been able to find a source that confirms that. Do you have one?

  19. The body cam footage of this incident has already done plenty of rounds on Reddit. Stop karma farming.

  20. Notice how it doesn’t have a repost flair? That means it hasn’t been posted here. The world isn’t all about you sweetheart

  21. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Running from a cop and into the roadway during a traffic stop is literally making the adult choice to endanger yourself and others, and police do and should have the right to tase you when you do it.

  22. Yes he was running from the cops but the cop shouldn’t have tased him on a highway that was negligent and dumb

  23. Diane was killed in a dog attack in San Francisco on January 26, 2001. The dogs involved were two Presa Canarios. Robert Noel and Marjorie Knoller, a husband and wife who lived in the same apartment building as Whipple and were watching the dogs, a male named Bane and a female named Hera. After the fatal attack, the state brought criminal charges against them. Noel, who was not present during the attack, was convicted of manslaughter. Knoller, who was present, was charged with implied-malice, second-degree murder and convicted by the jury. Knoller's murder conviction, an unusual result for an unintended dog attack, was rejected by the trial judge but ultimately upheld. The case clarified the meaning of implied malice murder.

  24. To add a curveball to the story, he got convicted of attempting to molest an 8 year old in 2017

  25. If that childish act, you call real, then that really goes to show the level of maturity in this whole fandom..

  26. They wanted to kill as many people as possible because they were both filled with so much hatred. Their original plan was to blow up the school cafeteria which means it wasn’t a targeted attack on specific students. They just wanted people to die and know what it felt like to kill. It doesn’t have to make sense to us just to them.

  27. she basically says in the interview something like i do have big boobs, it’s funny and he’s my friend

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