
  1. I left the same response on the XCN and the following is my speculative predictions.

  2. ATH was .18, I am new to XCN but saw that there was some dilution at the beginning. Would this affect the ability to hit that same price target again?

  3. I think a lot, not all, of those who are complaining bought in at the complacency, anxiety and denial phase (just look at the posts about people going from $xx,xxx to $x,xxx). I have not heard one complaint from someone who is still in the green (maybe Iā€™m wrong). The truth is no one knows when or even if the next bull run will happen. However, history never repeats itself but it often does rhyme. If you look at the last two bull runs, you can kinda make your own conclusions. But, like all of us, I canā€™t see the future. Who knows, LRC might drop to zero and disappear off the face of the earth.

  4. Iā€™m waiting for a certain date in April/May when a certain coin halves. And then keep an eye on the market for about 6 months to a year from that date to see what happens. I canā€™t complain like everyone else as I got in around .16 to .25, my average is .23

  5. Iā€™ll have to save this and read it later tonight. Working my second job this weekend that provides me the ability to buy more GME shares.

  6. I hope it drops to sub $10. Iā€™ll load up on a shit ton of shares. If it goes up, Iā€™ll have no choice but to load up on a modest amount of shares.

  7. Eggs, I just bought 18 eggs for almost $6. Although, I did buy it from a local grocery store (IGA) which could be the reason why. I typically buy my eggs from Walmart but was in a pinch and needed them. But it was interesting to see how much more expensive certain things are compared to other retailers. Iā€™ve started going to Aldi more frequently now compared to the chains stores.

  8. At this rate the world is going there might not be a tomorrow. Everyone is just YOLOā€™ing their YOLOs at the moment.

  9. Letā€™s get credit card debt and mortgages up there too. This is a game and the highest score wins.

  10. Iā€™ve also given up on GMEā€¦for this week. Will buy more next week when I get paid.

  11. When you least expect it. Just keep an eye on what the rich people are doing, theyā€™ll want to make sure they have a life raft secured before sinking the ship.

  12. Iā€™ll say it now, next ā€œfake squeezeā€ will be blamed on this movie. I can see the headlines, ā€œDumb Moneyā€ movie sparks new retail investor interest causing massive number of buy orders squeezing the stock again. Then theyā€™ll push the narrative that itā€™s over.

  13. And after buying shares of GME we have about 5% left. Enough for a box of ramen.

  14. Can confirm that my money doesnā€™t stretch as far anymore. Utilities have gone up almost 50% due to ā€œa demand in energyā€. My mortgage has jumped $300, mostly due to taxes and increased insurance premiums (gotta good fixed rate of 3% on my mortgage so the only thing thatā€™s causing the price to go up is either taxes or insurance). Iā€™m a salary employee and got a 3% raise compared to last year but somehow bringing home $500 less per month? Nothing has changed with 401k, maybe could be insurance premiums going up? Idk I just feel like Iā€™m always living paycheck to paycheck now, and my student loans have been paused. But before I was able to pay for all of it with money left, but nowā€¦nothing.

  15. I personally think both go hand in hand, business turnaround would make the company and stock more appealing which would lead to more investors jumping in and buying, similar to what happened with Tesla. The only difference I think would be that GME retail holders have a large portion of the shares locked, unlike Tesla (can not confirm the amount of tesla drs holders)

  16. Unless itā€™s GameStop AA batteries that youā€™re buying. Other than that, the only two AAs that matterā€¦and maybe Alcoholics Anonymous? Because it takes money to buy whiskey šŸ„ƒ

  17. If they dropped the price to single digits, or even to $15 again. It would be game over. Keeping it around $20 is just delaying the inevitable and hoping that they could fire people out and have them give up. Dropping it super low would expedite that inevitable and completely destroy any chance of burning people out. Tick tock.

  18. After market has a lot of activity at the moment..

  19. You would think that RC being announced as the new CEO would shoot the price up

  20. I remember when covid lock downs allowed the earth to start to heal. But now we are back at it.

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