
  1. I don’t need a professional service to look at my resume. My resume is great visually and worded very professionally. I’m consistently being beat from a competitive standpoint.

  2. You’re right I am getting the generic feedback. I’m not sure if it’s even getting past the bots.

  3. Strong hair follicles in the back and sides. I have mine done and I had a full head of hair way ahead of schedule. May will be my 1 year.

  4. You’ll get it done. Have a beautiful hairline. Then 80% falls out and the feeling sucks. Gradually, the hairs will begin to grow and you’ll have a very nice hairline.

  5. Canada brought in almost a million international students. These are them.

  6. Apparently they do this and a lot will them will just quit school and work on their visa, never actually going.

  7. All of them. Fuck the dragons. There’s nothing I hate more than encountering a dragon. Thank the Golden Order you don’t need to kill them to progress the game.

  8. Long hath this realm languished, fractured by ambition, greed, and the insatiable lust for power. The Golden Order, once the beacon of hope and prosperity, now lies in tatters, its splendor obscured by the shadows of betrayal.

  9. My dad was a technician in a nuclear power plant when he was young. It was his favorite job he ever worked and made him very proud of his career.

  10. Pro pokers players are recluses that’s why. Great game though

  11. Yeah buddy it sucks. I’ve been unemployed to this day over a year after being let go because the guy I worked for just didn’t want me working for him anymore.

  12. They don’t want people who would be struggling financially on the shit salary they’re paying for that position. That’s first hand experience of mine. They wanted someone in a relationship that splits the bills with their gf/bf if they live in the city, or live at home and commute. The last thing they want is someone emotionally unwell because they’re broke.

  13. Looks real good. Give it 1 year to see results. I got 2400 done 3 weeks ago and just starting to shed - left side more than the right.

  14. On top of homophobia, Bot can’t even read gender in username or image. Nice.

  15. i’m so confused. are you asking if you should choose to be gay or not?

  16. The B in LGBT is for Bisexual right? So I would be able to pull it off? My only concern is I’m not sure if I’m just watching Bi porn for the sake of being bored of straight porn so I’m looking for a variety.

  17. Work remotely for a startup in combination with your full time job. It’s been a life saver for me

  18. Nothing wrong. Man’s was tired and the young calf kept galloping away.

  19. Yea go for it. The only other reason would be if you needed the money for something else like a business or travelling or something like that.

  20. You’re questioning whether I know what Im talking about… and I provide the evidence that I do.

  21. You’re literally the exact person I can’t stand like you’re trying to convince me and others that what I’ve learned first hand to be completely true is actually false. Like gtfo out of here and go get a sex change pussy.

  22. Either that or you are incapable of learning. I feel sorry for you, like anyone else that reads your interaction.

  23. The paper is also coming from the star, which is mostly opinion pieces and fake news. I’d read it with a grain of salt.

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