
  1. Do they make enough reducers to get that on a 1/4" drive?

  2. How did mob trials work? Weren't the jurors completely hidden?

  3. Growing up in New York City, I have never seen anyone ever pulled over . . . ever.

  4. Amtrak does STAR as well. It was so silly. I'm glad I didn't get the job.

  5. Why do people constantly post their credit limits? What is the point

  6. Counterpoint: nearest police station is 30 minutes away if you hurry. From talking to neighbors, the earliest I should expect them to show up is about 2 hours after calling.

  7. If someone has told you they're coming to your house to shoot you

  8. Missing thatsinsane--it's become a sub for stuff you generally don't see more than twice a day.

  9. The daily mirror headline after he got reelected was-how could 59,000,000 people be so dumb.

  10. The P365 is right at your budget level and it is tiny, almost too small (for me).

  11. It's not a movie about a civil war. If it was, you'd know why it started.

  12. Am I wrong in saying that UAW workers, if laid off, would simply show up to the plant, clock in, and sit in an empty room and get paid?

  13. Between boot camp and the shortest a-schools, you'd loose 4 months right off the bat. I like the idea, but it would have to be for undesignated only, I would think.

  14. For mine, I used trunk release for constant on. I guess door locks would work also.

  15. Jury selection begins monday and will take a week or maybe two. This trial isn't going to start for a while.

  16. Gonna be a lot of cornballs running around in red sunglasses.

  17. Watched the early access in IMAX. Them bullet cracks made me jump everytime. Holy SHIET.

  18. I'm so glad they didn't use generic gunshot sounds like every other movie.

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