
  1. High end healing in Irving NY has all different types for the low

  2. If you can get the real “cleaver” from rappers first choice or “Buffolato” from packwoods it’s fire but you have to know who to get it from.

  3. I still haven’t found “top shelf” flower in any of the dispos in Erie. They charge you like it is tho.

  4. Born and raised in NYC Lower east side. East 3rd Street Ave. C and D... Urban vibes for sure.

  5. It depends on how it smokes. It could be anywhere from 150-250

  6. Looking for the same. Hope the Reddit crew knows things! I've been thinking about going to one of those event type things for a deal but like you said...30+ min away.

  7. High end healing in Irving. They have whatever you want for a good price

  8. I don't know if I'd call 200/ounce (Starting) a "good price", personally.

  9. They have $100 zips too. It depends on what quality you want.

  10. I can’t feel my face from High Tolerance is my favorite.

  11. You don’t have to burp the bag or anything. Just fill the bag and close it and that’s it.

  12. Those days are gonna be over real soon. People ain’t putting up with the bs anymore

  13. Please be more specific. There are decent places and crummy places in every industry/area.

  14. Not all places in the Rez are bad. You have to know who you’re buying from. High end healing always has good products for a good price. I’ve never had anything to complain about and I’ve been going there for a year now. But there are some bad places there too that would sell you anything.

  15. PA chiming in... we have single plates and don't use registration stickers at all anymore. 2016 was the last year they issued them.

  16. Erie police department has that system in their cruisers. It automatically tells them that your plate is no good.

  17. The cigar miraculously stayed in his mouth the whole time

  18. That’s why I don’t smoke joints, it’s frustrating and it’s constantly turning off on me lol

  19. Go to @highendhealing they have diamond carts too

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