
  1. I am consistently the youngest in any social situation and look the oldest

  2. N Corp Team. Not because theyre particularly strong, but i just like it.

  3. Wow, there a lot more N corps main then I expected. So, what do you like about it? One said they love the "whistle" and fanatic aspect of it, and another one said, "2 plus coin drop" (and racism) part of N corps team.

  4. Because its still making everyone guilty of a crime they didnt commit. By your example, it would be: "Sorry, youre too poor." before getting kicked out of the club. There was no crime that has been committed, but youre still being punished. And, if we go by original sin, babies go to hell.

  5. So, purgatory? That makes it less worse, but it still sucks and is unjust. If babies go to purgatory, they have been denied heaven, and through no fault of their own recieved a lesser afterlife.

  6. I live in the attic. I cant sleep with a fan.

  7. I am very secure in my masculinity. I can wear dresses in public and it doesnt bother me, but i dont prefer it.

  8. With dantes potential powerset, "future me" is closer than you think

  9. Rationally, i agree. However, each and every moment i get an ever increasing desire to make those fuckers bleed out slowly while i put their funds into social security programs and healthcare. I fully agree. I dont like the death penalty. I dont want to solve things with violence. But each and every day i keep becoming more and more angry

  10. Ive got an unusual of that hat! All my mercs are candy cane themed

  11. ...im sorry? Theres downsides to solving hunger and poverty?

  12. Bruv.. More economically stable people, more births; less earth goods for everyone; necessary hunger for a lot of people. 👍🏼

  13. Most of the "poor" countries have high birth rates per person, because they are scared of most of their children dying before adulthood. Agian, we have more than enough ressources to keep everyone alive and healthy. "Necessary hunger" does not exist as of now.

  14. She's high 1A to 1S which is the same as 0. But either way scp's god huge cosmology gives Swann the win either way.

  15. If we highball this, its 1 woman versus every SCP writer in a fistfight.

  16. Maybe Fear and Hunger? I havent played it (thanks, Censorship laws) but it would be on brand.

  17. I do know someone with DID that uses they/them pronouns because theyre a system of multiple people, and its a whole lot less confusing for others because theyre genderfluid (because of the different personalities being male or female)

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