
  1. How does here compare to sapiosexuality? I wondered where are geeks in other senses than techniques/tools?

  2. Truer words maybe not said in thee

  3. Ate pbj with questionable j and br, sorry i so-so

  4. My reddit is broken or smthn and won’t let me pm people. You’re welcome to message me though!

  5. I'm confused ,something feels off, what does talk to mean, why did you only respond to my post? People dismissed things overwhelming them, but i worry your comment reminds me of repeating that?

  6. Nah. Im going to create much content and make it big and they just delete it away and ban me. No thanks. There is better websites who have more content and do it right.

  7. This post and comments interest me and seemed alot to them, but i was confused how to go on or put them together? Do the individualities not go together?

  8. The sentiment feels wrong, idk about your elaboration, but immigrants are a visible and accepted population and I'm not, they were prioritized over me. I'm not against immigrants, but I'm ashamed that i was pushed out and not cared about 

  9. Idk why people saying pantry, I'm confused by this thread. Pantries can be hell, I've seen a bunch and long lists, they're not accessible for tons people, giving out can be harder but if you have the energy and body ability etc, it's better. Reliable food is hard, though giving to people can be hard to find what they can eat, if you're sensitive rather than throwing in their hands. Idk, now I'm confused with the question, why would you ask if organizations/bureaucracy is better than direct, i guess they're the two options but I'm ashamed at this question and me not catching that initially. I don't mean ashamed at you, emergencies are throwing mind off. Though I'm hurt that this was a concept to people, to not interact directly,  I've been cursed at, pressured, but i still know and experience that organizations do mindffing versions of the same. So, both are very difficult, at least for me when i don't see people in the mta station anymore, or when i was given cans that i wanted to giveout but it seemed unrealistic 

  10. There are clergy that have trained in analysis , yeah. One example that comes to mind is W.W. Meissner, S.J., M.D. He was a Jesuit priest and psychoanalyst-psychiatrist of a Freudian orientation.

  11. Thanks, that sounds very helpful

  12. It was founded by a pastor and psychiatrist so it had a spirituality component that attracts clergy in addition to social workers.

  13. Researching accounts to listen to is a social skill

  14. Do you mean item usefulness or the most helpful chances of usefulness in cases where that's not needed? This kind of question and idea breaks my heart because it seems the main and almost only kind of homelessness meant here, 

  15. If you're a able bodied adult with no children and no mental health issues you will be sent to a different shelter then people with those barriers. I started out with a dormatory style shelter that had 30 guys in it to a hotel style that had a private bathroom and I only had to share with one guy.

  16. Oh, i wondered how common it was for hotel style that had a private bathroom and I only had to share with one guy? 

  17. Damn, that's a lot. Usually the most I've seen is 2 men/women, 1-2 family, 1-2 domestic violence, and 1 youth.

  18. Can I ask privately what your analysand experience was like? I didn't hear people talk about analysis like this, so i wonder

  19. I did psychodynamic therapy with a Lacanian analyst for about six months. He had a pretty wide range of affect. Sometimes he was quite stern and cold; other times he was warm and consolatory. Sometimes neutral. Possibly says more about me than him, I don't know, but I just figured I'd share my personal experience.

  20. Can you elaborate  Possibly says more about me than him?

  21. This might look familiar, is this like other everything lists?

  22. Can I ask about a site there i didn't see contact for?

  23. Sure but i just collected the links to the sites

  24. This sounded helpful, or any long-term memory ai, but what tech does it need? Are there tech donations?

  25. Often, usually. I don't feel more nt than nd, or not in the conflict awkward ways for others, so uh, hm, neither is more acting, both are maybe acting or natural, idk me now

  26. It's in an overwhelming amount of places, but i haven't seen it much maybe because i watch certain kinds of comedy and maybe drama/tragedy that are kinda about 'ill' things,

  27. Bro nobody wants to see your disgusting fetish of killing people with lotion.

  28. The exclamation was so funny though, i liked that

  29. This is AMA thread. Users who reply on AMA threads should ask OP questions.

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